
I am a software programmer/engineer, the author of “The Internals of PostgreSQL”, “The Engineer’s Guide To Deep Learning” and pg_plan_inspector.

I graduated from graduate school in information engineering (M.S. in Information Engineering), had worked for several companies as a software developer and technical manager/director, and published seven books (4 PostgreSQL books and 3 MySQL books) in Japanese and a Chinese book.

As a director of the Japan PostgreSQL Users Group (2010-2016), I organized the largest (non-commercial) technical seminar/lecture on PostgreSQL in Japan for more than six years, and also served as the program committee chair of the Japan PostgreSQL Conference in 2013 and as a member in 2008 and 2009. In June 2022, my interview article was published.

I am looking for a new job in Europe, applying ML and AI technologies to DBMS.

I’m interested in History, Animal Rights, Cosmology, Social Issues, Environment Issues. I play the piano and guitar. Vegetarian. I love animals, music, science.
